In March 2023, Chongqing launched its first official internal magazine in the field of industrial design, Chongqing New Design. The magazine is under the governance of Chongqing Municipal Economy and Information Technology Commission and the sponsorship of Chongqing Industrial Design Center (CIDC). Chongqing New Design hopes to be the platform that connects enterprises, showcases the development of Chongqing’s industrial design industry, and shares industrial information.
The logo of Chongqing New Design is personally inscribed by Liu Guanzhong, a leading figure of Chinese industrial design. The magazine will be published every two months and contains seven sections. The seven sections feature China’s national policy in industrial design, the development of Chongqing’s industrial design industry, design case studies, and other key areas of work. On a macro level, the magazine not only highlights the development of industrial design in Chongqing but also introduces other cities’ experience in pursuing a mature design industry. On the other hand, it also includes case studies and interviews with local industrial designers. The magazine, therefore, provides a comprehensive insight into the development of industrial design in Chongqing.

The preparation work of Chongqing New Design dated back to early 2022. Back then, Chongqing Industrial Design Center started working on this project with the consent of the Chongqing Municipal Economy and Information Technology Commission and the joint effort of local higher institutions. During that stage, the editorial committee visited local higher institutions, enterprises, and associations to learn the outstanding cases of industrial design and the stories of leading designers in Chongqing. After a long preparation, Chongqing New Design is now officially released.
In the future, Chongqing New Design will be the platform showcasing the city’s industrial development empowered by industrial design. Other than that, the magazine will put the stories of local industrial design in the spotlight. As an official magazine, Chongqing New Design will uphold its founding purpose of promoting the local design industry and providing insights for the government and contributing to the development of the city’s design and manufacturing industry.